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The Orphans bet, also known as “Orphelins,” provides a clever way to cover specific sections of the wheel with strategic 0️⃣ split and straight-up bets. Most rookies stick to the basic outside and inside bets. But once you understand the nuances 0️⃣ of the Orphans bet, executed properly, it can lead to some spin results to remember.

The Orphelins (Orphans) Bet: Roulette’s Hidden 0️⃣ Gem

An orphans or orphelins bet is a type of wagering strategy where you place 5 chips that cover 8 numbers 0️⃣ on the wheel.

You’ll need to be familiar with straight-up and split bets.

What are straight-ups and splits? A straight-up is a 0️⃣ wager on any single number on the roulette wheel. It pays out 35/1. Splits are inside wagers that cover 2 0️⃣ different numbers. It pays out 17/1.

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